The Cleveland Institute of Music empowers the world’s most talented classical music students to fulfill their dreams and potential. Its graduates command the most celebrated and revered stages in the world as soloists, leading roles, chamber musicians and ensemble members; compose meaningful, award-winning new repertoire; produce Grammy Award-winning recordings; and are highly sought-after teaching artists, administrators and thought leaders.

A testament to the excellence of a CIM education, more than half of the members of The Cleveland Orchestra are connected to CIM as members of the faculty, alumni or both, and CIM alumni occupy hundreds of chairs in major orchestras worldwide. The school’s increasingly diverse collegiate and pre-college student bodies benefit from access to world-renowned visiting artists, intensive study with CIM’s stellar faculty and the rich curriculum offered by CIM’s partner, Case Western Reserve University. A leader among its peers, CIM is the largest presenter of free performances, master classes and community concerts in the Midwest, hosting hundreds of events each year on campus and at locations regionwide, including Severance Music Center. 

Learn more about CIM's mission and vision, dive into our rich history, or explore the full list of institutional learning goals.

Student performing at Honors Convocation

By the time our students graduate, they will...

PERFORM, CREATE and SHARE MUSIC with technical prowess and informed, compelling artistry in the relentless quest for the highest level of excellence.

EXHIBIT THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS of the 21st-century musician through coursework, co-curricular and experiential activities.

EVALUATE, REASON, and MAKE DECISIONS in your personal and professional life using BROAD-BASED KNOWLEDGE.

Fast Facts

Our Students

  • Up to 350 students enrolled
  • 60% undergraduate, 40% graduate
  • 23% international
  • 17% identify as Black or Latinx
  • Approximately 100 Preparatory division students enrolled; 64% in the Academy and 36% in CIM's Youth Program

Admission & Alumni

  • 105 conservatory faculty and 47 preparatory faculty
  • Approximately 4,900 alumni and counting
  • Our faculty and alumni make up over half of The Cleveland Orchestra


  • Located in the University Circle neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio
  • An estimated 600 concerts, recitals, master classes and lectures annually, most free and streamed to viewers around the globe at no charge
  • Community outreach includes our partnership with Judson Manor and teaching applied lessons at Cleveland School of the Arts 
Luminaries 2023

We rely on the generosity of individuals, businesses and foundations to support our programs. Learn how your gift can shape the future of music.