June 18, 2024

The ‘CIM Advantage’ holds true for Academy graduates headed to top conservatories

A group of six CIM students in the lobby.
The CIM Academy’s 2024 graduating class includes, from left, Abby Bemak, Erica Lopez, Reilly Murphy, Elora Kares, Michael Temesi, and Jonah Miller.

CIM doesn’t only produce the world’s finest professional musicians. It also turns out tomorrow’s leading students.   

Case in point: the 2024 graduating class from CIM’s Academy and Young Artist Program. Out of eight graduating high school seniors six will study music at top conservatories or colleges. Three plan to enroll at CIM. 

“This phenomenal achievement is a testament to the hard work of our students, the incredible effectiveness of our teachers, and the unparalleled learning environment in the CIM Academy,“ said Paul W. Hogle, CIM’s President & CEO.  

“The Academy was designed to produce the world’s finest classical music students. This year’s graduating class clearly signals that we have achieved that goal.”   

The Academy is CIM’s gold-standard program for serious young musicians. It launched in 2022 on educational principles advanced by CIM founder Ernest Bloch, who espoused training “complete” artists well versed in all aspects of music.   

To that end, in addition to private lessons, Academy students engage in such offerings as group singing, music theory, composition, and eurhythmics. They also enjoy frequent and varied performance opportunities, regularly playing for their peers and faculty.  

Total enrollment in the Academy for the 2023-24 academic year was 92. Of those students, eight were graduating high-school seniors.  

The three Academy or Young Artist Program students headed to CIM this fall are cellist Elora Kares (Li/Stauch, headed to Li/Kuznetsova), flutist Jonah Miller (Ruby-Kushious, headed to Sindell), and violinist Eivissa Pia Sorolla (staying with O. Kaler). A fourth, voice student Kai Shepherd (Call), has graduated high school but will remain in the Academy an additional year as part of a new gap year offering available to aspiring Conservatory students.  

Many of these same students were also accepted at other elite institutions including the Juilliard School, the Curtis Institute of Music, the Peabody Institute of Music, and the Oberlin Conservatory of Music.  

Three other graduates plan to pursue music elsewhere. They are baritone Michael Temesi (Kuznetsova, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music); violist Erica Lopez (Bender, Ohio State University); and percussionist Abby Bernak (Rinderknecht, Carnegie Mellon University).  

One additional former Academy student is now preparing to attend the Curtis Institute of Music. Though he was unable to study in the Academy this year, he attributes his success and career ambitions to the time he spent at CIM, training with the best.   

“I will always regard the CIM preparatory department as my alma mater,” he said. “I look forward to representing CIM as a proud Academy graduate.”  

Applications and auditions for the Fall 2024 Academy semester are actively underway, with a deadline of Aug. 19. Students of all ages are welcome, but only students in grades six through 12 must audition. To date, a record 150 candidates have submitted applications. To apply, visit cim.edu/academy