CIM Opera Theater: Behind the Scenes
Event Details
Start Time
6:30 pm
Free — Tickets Required
Watch the performance live
1110 days
Join Artistic Director Dean Southern for a virtual, behind-the-scenes tour of CIM Opera Theater's production, Shakespeare, Operatically! Tune in online as we transform Kulas Hall into a television studio for the operatic incarnation of plays by William Shakespeare. This experience is hosted by Partners for CIM.
After the behind-the-scenes experience, join us for the performance at 7pm.
Ticket Information
Admission is free, but sign ups are required. You will be emailed the link to tune in via Zoom.
Donations to the Student Assistance Fund are greatly appreciated. Donations support students so they might attend and participate in activities to further advance their musical abilities and/or education.
This event will be virtual. Information on how to access the event online will be shared with registrants.